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"From Toys to Guns: A Militarized Childhood" - Child Soldier Exhibition 「從軍的童年:童兵與人權問題」展覽


Child soldiers refer to children who are aged under 18 and are recruited in armed groups to serve different purposes, not limited to armed actions (Paris Principles and Guidelines on Children Associated with Armed Forces or Armed Groups, 2007).  The recruitment of child soldiers is common in countries which frequently engage in armed conflicts. The human rights of children are violated, not only because they are forced to join the groups, but also because they receive a wide range of maltreatment, such as starvation, sexual abuse and violence. This leaves them with physical and psychological damage, which is often permanent.


This exhibition aims to draw the public’s attention to the violation of children’s rights under the recruitment of child soldiers. Human rights which are listed in relevant international documents and are significantly violated will be specified. The severity of the problem will be discussed with case studies. Participants are given opportunities to reflect upon the issue.



Date: 27-30 April 2015

Time: 12:30-17:30

Venue: Run Run Shaw Podium

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