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World University Service,
HKUSU Session 2017-2018 45th Cabinet
The Struggle of Enforced Foreign Domestic Helpers - Walking Tour
強制勞工︰外傭的掙扎 — 導賞交流團
CAN you imagine the hardship of being forced to work without time to rest? Can you answer any unreasonable request from your employer? Are you aware of the undetectable slavery system in Hong Kong society?
In fact, there are more than 50 thousands domestic labors being sold and forced to work in Hong Kong. Soundlessly, their rights are being exploited and taken away. Want to know their stories behind? Our Walking tour co-organized with Open Door, a local NGO. Get to know the real-life experiences of forced labours in Hong Kong and discuss the issue with NGO staff.
Details of function are as follows:
Date: 9th April, 2017 (Sunday)
Time: 13:00-17:00
Venue: St. John's Cathedral, 4-8 Garden Rd, Central
Quota:20 participants
Fee: Free

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