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"What am I Dying for?": Exchange Trip to Japan 追溯犧牲真相:日本交流團


  The Battle of Okinawa is the largest and bloodiest Japanese-American warfare in the Pacific War of World War II. The destruction of the war was not only caused by intense bombardment, but also the practice of collective suicide. The violation of the right to life of the Japanese civilians was widespread. The Himeyuri students were some of those victims, who were mobilized by the Japanese army to form a nursing unit and work underground. The bloody history of the wartime was painted on the walls of the underground tunnels, which we will visit. This is a mournful history of human rights and dignity.



  Through this exchange trip to Okinawa in Japan, we aim at promoting human rights. We will provide opportunities for participants to understand the background of the Battle and the ways in which human rights were threatened during the Battle. Site vistis, museum visits, sharings with the survivors and other interactive lectures will be conducted as such. The far-reaching impacts of the Battle on the Okinawans in preserving peace and defending human rights will also be touched upon. Apart from the theme-related programmes, participants will also have the opportunity to experience the culture of Okinawa.



Date: 5th-9th June 2015

Destination: Okinawa, Japan


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